Please use this form to make a complaint to the Department. 1. Your details First Name Family Name Program of study Paper Semester Email Address Mailing Address Phone Number 2. Complaint details Please provide details of your complaint, with as much specific information as possible. Include the names of persons, locations, and dates involved. If this complaint is against specific person(s), please list their names and titles. 3. Informal Resolution What attempts have you made to resolve this complaint up to now? Please state who you contacted and what transpired. Why do you think the complaint was not able to be resolved in your prior attempts? How would you like your complaint to be upheld? 4. Declaration I would like KELE to consider my complaint and declare that the facts stated in this application are true. I understand that: You will need to handle personal details about me which could include sensitive information in order to deal with my complaint effectively. You may need to exchange information about my complaint with other persons within KELE and external organisations. 5. The procedure Your complaint will be acknowledged and assessed on receipt by email. You will be advised on this and what happens next, within 14 days of receiving your form. Accept Terms of use - Privacy Policy Υποβολή